What is DAR?

The Dashboard, Analysis, Reporting (DAR) is a methodology. DAR is followed to be creative and meet the varying requirements of clients. In a nutshell you lead with a Dashboard page, followed by Analysis pages, and finish with Reporting pages.

Applying DAR methodology to build an application

During design of a dashboard, when applying DAR methodology following three aspects must be taken in to consideration:


  • Gives just the most important information
  • Has the least amount of Interactivity
  • Users having less time to review the status of their business

Example of Dashboard Page

Best Practices of Dashboard Page

  • Keep the information general and high level with few KPIs
  • Give a few basic filtering options but not many
  • Have a hierarchy to your information to make scanning easy.
  • Information should be larger than your least important information.


  • Analysis pages are more interactive
  • Analysis pages are used to spend more time for deeper understanding
  • For instance a page just for Comparative Analysis

Example of Analysis Page

Best Practices of Analysis Page

  • Introduce additional filters / list boxes
  • Information of an entire page should be about a particular topic / theme
  • Pages can scroll vertically
  • Introduce more charts and tables


  • Reporting pages give the most granular information with lots of tabular data
  • It’s where a user can spend a lot of time sorting and filtering through the details

Example of Reporting page

Best Practices of Reporting Page

  • Give the most granular information as possible
  • Give users the ability to view absolutely every detail they need to take action