Comparison between QlikView and QlikSense

Both the tools are amazing and suitable for different purposes. Though a lot of similarities exist but there are huge differences between these two. Find out the common and unique features of QlikView and QlikSense in this riveting blog!

QlikView and QlikSense- What are they?

QlikView is most flexible business intelligence platform for changing raw data into knowledge. Using QlikView simplicity, worldwide more than 24 thousand organization users to easily combine, search and visually analyze all their data for unprecedented business insight.

QlikView is a tool used by developers who put a lot of thought into the data model, the layout, the charts and the formulas and deliver the applications to end-users who consume the applications through Access Point. Here end-user has total freedom to explore data, select, drill down and navigate in the information, and can this way discover both questions and answers in the data. The end-user is however limited when it comes to creating new visualizations.

QlikSense is a self-service and discovery application designed for individuals and group collaboration. We can create quick visualization using this BI tool and also explore data extremely, share insights immediately, to expose connections in our data and see opportunities from every side.

QlikSense is a tool for situations where you don’t need much technical knowledge as prerequisite. Rather the user have the freedom to create a layout of his own and in it, new visualizations; charts that the developer couldn’t imagine that the user wants to see. You want Self-service data discovery, which means a much more active, modern, engaged user. In addition, QlikSense is much easier to use when you have a touch screen, and is adaptive to different screen sizes and form factors. In a nut cell, QlikSense is a much more better and modern tool.

Common features of QlikView and QlikSense:
  • Both support rapid BI visualization and sharing, mobile discovery and exploration, governed data discovery and structured IT managed dashboards
  • Similar analysis algorithm
  • Both provide interactive BI visualizations
  • Mobile Applications
  • Both Support QVD source

Generic comparison of QlikView vs. Qlik Sense:
  Qlik Sense
  • Organizations need to invest in resources with BI expertise for QlikView development.
  • QlikSense providing “freedom” to end user to perform “Self Service” B.I. on their data. User should be easily able to import and start making some dashboard on its own.
  • Licensing is somewhat complicated and a bit expensive.
  • Licensing is simpler as compare to QlikView
  • Organizations need to invest in either in-house or hosted/rented QlikView infrastructure. QlikView Not available in cloud.
  • Cloud option is available; therefore infrastructure cost can be minimized.
  • Mobile App available and little effort needed to make it Mobile friendly
  • Mobile App available and Highly mobile friendly
  • Has some APIs available to integrate QlikView with your existing application and other QV management services.


  • Many supporting APIs are available for developers for integration and other purposes. In addition to that it has Javascript and HTML5 in its roots
  • Allows external branded reporting using it’s tool called NPrinting.
  • Allows external branded reporting using it’s tool called NPrinting.
  • Some pre-build extensions are available to use. However, you can also build your own extensions
  • A lot of third party extension are available to use. However, you can also build your own extensions if you want to go that route.
  • Offers much more control to developers over design and control of the visualizations.


  • The Control offered to developers over design and control of the visualizations is not as good as QlikView. This is good for a simple end user as they do not like too much customization.
  • In this case, the “Self Service” B.I. plays a small role. (Requires Power users/trained users)
  • “Self Service” tag with QlikSense is mostly because to show it’s simplicity to use. But as you start working with it, you will soon realize that you can make most use of it by putting an expert to it.
  • Lot of property available for any object hence these are highly customizable
  • Less customizable objects. Mostly mean for non-technical users
  • Designed for advanced analytics
  • Focused on business use cases
  • Deriving part of filters and allocating a separate sheet with filters is required
  • It is not required
  • Provides an in-the-box application development platform
  • Self-service data discovery tool


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